CCTV Installation

Get world class CCTV installation for your Commercial or Industrial Property in Melbourne & Australia Wide


Commercial CCTV Installation in Melbourne & Australia Wide

There’s no doubt that CCTV installation is a vital part of security for many commercial businesses Australia wide. It’s not only a powerful deterrent to crime but can also provide crucial evidence in the event of an incident. Here at IDS Security, we’re CCTV camera installation experts and can help you choose the right system for your business premises.

Commercial business clients need to be aware of the many options for CCTV camera systems. There are many factors to consider when choosing a system, such as different camera types, positioning, storage capacity, and software features.

This page will provide an overview of CCTV, the benefits of installation, and some tips when choosing security systems to make sure you get the most from your investment.

What is a CCTV security system?

CCTV installation is a great way to increase the security of your commercial, retail or industrial business. CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) involves using cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, usually for security or safety purposes (such as fires).

The footage can be viewed in real-time or later playback, and usually, there is more than one camera installation to cover. It is a ‘closed circuit’ because the signal can only be viewed by those with authority to access the equipment (business owners, their chosen employees, or our monitoring team). The footage is safely transmitted from cameras to monitors or a digital video recorder within a private network.

CCTV security cameras are used in various commercial and industrial settings, such as shopping centres, warehouses, office blocks, hospitals, parks, sporting venues, and maritime docks.

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